2017 NICE- Hilton Springfield, Springfield, VA

By Nicolock Paving Stones and Retaining Walls (other events)

Thursday, February 16 2017 10:00 AM 2:00 PM EST

Join Nicolock for a day of hands on learning

PLUS A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR 2017 PRODUCT INNOVATIONS, new tools of the trade and important industry updates!

Our one day presentations will feature the tools you will need to land residential projects that will make a lasting impression. We will arm with you with information on selling, installation and how to deliver the dream of outdoor living to your customers. 


Hone your hardscape skills with Carl Peterson

ICPI certified instructor and renowned industry speaker

Get a closer look at outdoor living design and construction with this hands-on workshop. Carl will take you through YOUR past, present or future jobs to help identify possible problems and show you how to get from estimating and planning to executing, while saving time and money. 

This workshop is meant to be interactive, please bring any blueprints or designs you may have as well as questions and real life scenarios.

Free event Limited space available

Free gifts, food, raffles and Nicolock gift certificate included!

Nicolock Paving Stones and Retaining Walls